A Basic Book of Anthroposophy by Rudolf Steiner (CW 8)

Christianity As Mystical Fact and the Mysteries of Antiquity

For your convenience, below is a zip file of this entire set of lectures. It does require that you have an unzipping utility of some kind on your computer. For you mac people this is built in.

The Entire Book Christianity As Mystical Fact and the Mysteries of Antiquity


Part 1 Chapter 1 "Points of View" and Chapter 2 "The Mysteries and Mystery Wisdom"

Part 2 Chapter 3 "The Greek Ages Before Plato in the Light of Mystery Wisdom"

Part 3 Chapter 4 "Plato as Mystic"

Part 4 Chaper 5 "The Wisdom of the Mysteries and the Myth

Part 5 Chapter 6 "The Mystery Wisdom of Egypt" and Chapter 7 "The Gospels"

Part 6 Chapter 8 "The Lazarus Miracle" and Chapter 9 "The Apocalypse of St. John"

Part 7 (end) Chapter 10 "Jesus and His Historical Background" and Chapter 11 "The Nature of Christianity" and Chapter 12 "Christianity and Pagan Wisdom" and Chapter 13 "St. Augustine and the Church"