A Psychology of Body, Soul and Spirit. A collection of 4 cycles of lecture (12 in all) given in Berlin in three successive years. (CW 115)

For your convenience, below is a zip file of this entire set of lectures. It does require that you have an unzipping utility of some kind on your computer. For you mac people this is built in.

The Entire Book A Psychology of Body, Soul and Spirit


I. "Anthroposophy" (October 23 - 27, 1909)

1. The Human Being and the Senses

2. Supersensible Processes in the Human Senses

3. The Higher Senses, Inner Forces, and Creative Principles in the Human Organism

4. Supersensible Currents, Group Soul and the I in Human Beings and Animals

II. "Psychosophy" (November 1 - 4, 1910)

5. Aspects of Soul Life

6. The Activities of Human Soul Forces

7. The Sense, Feeling and Aesthetic Judging

8. Consciousness and Soul Life

III. "Pneumatosophy" (December 12 - 16, 1911)

9. Franz Brentano and Aristotle's Doctrine of the Spirit

10. Truth and Error in Light of the Spiritual World

11. Imagination - Imagination; Inspiration - Self-Fulfillment; Intuition - Conscience

12. Nature, the Evolution of Consciousness, and Reincarnation